Fussy eating isn’t the only bad eating habit that can be a pain.  From messy eating to even slow eating, there are various bad eating habits kids have that pose a challenge for even the most super of mums. These tend to vary at different stages of childhood and can even become a practice in adulthood if not put in check.

Read on for more useful tips on how to deal with your kids bad eating habits:

1. Establish rules with your kids from the onset: The first question you need to answer honestly is if mealtime rules are already set in place. If there are, do your kids have a clear understanding of these rules? Experts recommend parents have a gentle one-on-one with their children to explain why certain actions are unacceptable at the dining table. The age of the child would determine the approach taken. For example, TodaysParent recommends the use of images for preschoolers in your explanation.

2. Spend time with kids outside of mealtime: Believe it or not, our kid’s bad eating habits might actually be an attempt to get your attention. Kids who eat too slowly, for instance, or fling food might be doing so to get you to spend time with them or respond to their needs. For busy working parents, it might be worth making more allowances in your schedule for quality time.

3. Cut out snacks in between mealtime: With this in place, kids are less likely to play around with food and will actually eat it because of hunger. Keep mealtime portions small too for this tip’s effectiveness.

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